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August 10, 2024

Ecom Calls to Action: Video Edition

A purple button that says click here surrounded by other items


Henry Sabin

At some point, you have likely encountered a call to action at the end of an email from an internet store.

Perhaps you have even incorporated calls to action in your own email (or SMS) campaigns.

However, have you ever taken a moment to contemplate the reason behind including that specific call to action?

Why not a different request?

To determine the most effective calls to action for your business, it is important to understand the essence of calls to action.

Armed with this understanding, you can create calls to action in your email outreach that cater to the desires of customers while also meeting the requirements of your online store or eCommerce business.

Understanding the Concept of a Call to Action

A call to action (CTA) is a prompt for the reader or viewer to complete a particular task.

Basically, it calls them, to action.

To complete an action.

For you.

Preferable one that makes you money.

This could range from selecting a link to make a purchase, to subscribing to a newsletter, or even an invitation to visit a website for further details.

On a website, a CTA could be in the form of a button such as "Schedule a Demo" or "Learn More!", or even "Request a Personalized Video from Convi" (Shameless plug!)

In an email, the CTA typically appears towards the end of the message.

The most effective email CTAs are placed after the recipient has read the message and feels compelled to take action.

In other words, give before you ask!

Various Forms of Call to Action

In email outreach, there are various types of calls to action you can use. These are some of the most frequently used options:

  • Purchase Request: The most frequently used call-to-action is the one that encourages the reader to make a purchase of a product or service. This can be as straightforward as providing a product page link or a button labeled "Buy Now."

  • Inquire for additional details: This form of CTA is commonly utilized when attempting to establish a relationship with a potential customer before requesting a purchase. It can be as straightforward as providing a link to a landing page where they can subscribe to your newsletter.

  • Seeking Feedback: This form of CTA is utilized to gather feedback from clients or potential customers. It could be as basic as a survey link or a solicitation for a review.

  • Call-to-action for social media engagement: This form of CTA requests the reader to perform an action related to your brand on social media. This can be achieved by incorporating links to your social media accounts in your email signature, or by inviting them to "like" your Facebook page.

  • Call for event registration: If you are organizing an event or webinar and you wish to have individuals register, including a call to action for registration in your email is a highly effective approach. This can be achieved by providing a link to the event registration page within the email.

  • Seeking a referral or requesting a review: Encouraging a referral is an effective call-to-action that allows the recipient to utilize their network of contacts to vouch for you. This not only benefits the store owner, but it also brings a sense of fulfillment to the person giving the referral. Naturally, individuals enjoy showcasing their expertise and sharing their

  • knowledge with others. Referring or endorsing a product taps into this innate desire.

  • Invitation to subscribe for a newsletter or periodic email: One effective strategy for cultivating returning customers is to maintain a presence in their minds without pressuring them to make purchases. Customers are typically savvy, especially when it comes to making online buying choices. By encouraging them to register for your newsletter or receive updates via email, you can achieve this goal.

To select the suitable CTA for your email outreach, it is important to consider the desired action you want the reader to take.

Do you intend to encourage a purchase, increase newsletter subscriptions, or gather feedback from customers?

Once you have identified the desired action, you can create a CTA that will effectively achieve your goal.

Easy peasy, lemon squeezey.

What are you doing still reading this article? It clearly says "SHOP NOW", you should be filling up that cart buddy!

Incorporating Videos in Your Calls-to-Action (CTAs)

A highly effective approach to making your CTAs more engaging is through the use of videos.

By incorporating videos, you can infuse a personal element into your email outreach and effectively motivate people to take action. To effectively utilize videos in your CTAs, here are some useful pointers:

  • Keep it concise: The most effective videos are those that are brief and get straight to the point. Avoid trying to fit too much information into your video - instead, concentrate on conveying one main message. In your convi analytics you can see the retention of viewers across time, one interesting thing about viewer retention, it only goes down throuhgout a video! More people will always start a video than finish, so try to keep your videos as fresh and engaging as possible to retain as long as possible.

  • Enhance visual appeal: Viewers are more inclined to watch a visually appealing video. Incorporate high-quality visuals and graphics, while ensuring clear audio. If a person is present, having them be extremely attractive is always a plus.

  • Share a narrative: Utilize your video to convey a compelling story that will captivate the audience and motivate them to act. Consider the desired outcome you want the viewers to have after viewing the video, and ensure that your story builds up to that specific call to action.

  • Remember to include a CTA: It is crucial to always include a call to action at the end of your video. Surprisingly, many emails sent by eCommerce businesses fail to have a clear call to action. While not every email should be a direct sales pitch, it is essential to provide the reader with the opportunity to take action based on the information you have shared.

The Impact of Various CTAs on Buyer Behavior Over a Period of Time

There are various forms of calls to action that can impact consumer behavior in diverse manners.

For instance, a CTA that focuses on promoting a new product or service to the audience serves to (1) notify them about an item available for purchase, (2) showcase the quality and range of your offerings, and (3) imply that their relationship with you is highly valued.

On the other hand, a CTA that requests for a referral or review indicates that you, as the owner of an online store, trust the judgment of the reader.

Similarly, urging the reader to sign up for a newsletter conveys the assurance that you will have something valuable to share with them in the future.

Although the purpose of a call to action remains consistent, its impact and influence on the recipient may vary. For instance, if your products are priced lower, a CTA such as "buy now" would be appropriate as the reader may be inclined to purchase impulsively.

On the other hand, expensive products are not usually bought on a whim. In such cases, a newsletter can create value and eventually lead to a purchase.

Hence, a CTA like "Sign up for regular updates!" may not result in an immediate sale, but it can build a positive relationship for a potential sale in the future.

Sooooo clickable.

Incorporating Video and Calls to Action

When it comes to issuing a call to action, video is an ideal medium to utilize.

Video enables you to animate the call to action and make it more captivating for the audience.

Furthermore, video can be employed to provide a more thorough explanation of the product or service being promoted, potentially boosting conversion rates.

The true distinguishing factor of a video lies in its capacity to be personalized.

Through the utilization of a customized video, one can establish a deeper connection with the viewer, potentially motivating them to take action.

Multiple studies have shown that personalized videos have the potential to more than double response rates.

Adding a touch of personalization to your calls to action can greatly impact their effectiveness.

By including a personalized video in your CTA, it will not only distinguish it from the other emails, but also motivate the reader to take action. If you want to increase engagement, sales, and responses through your email outreach, incorporating a personalized video into your next CTA is worth considering.

With Convi.io, creating personalized videos becomes effortless, even if you have a large number of contacts on your email list.

What's more, Convi.io allows for personalized and customized elements in the email, such as the call to action, depending on the recipient. For instance, a one-time purchaser who hasn't visited the online store in several months can receive a distinct message and CTA compared to a loyal returning customer.

Using the potential of AI personalization through video is an effective method for maximizing conversions in your eCommerce store.

More conversions, more money.

Super simple stuff.

Oh and by the way, click here to request a personalised video from Convi that says your name.

Almost forgot to throw the CTA in there ;-)

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